But first, let me talk about me.
I am now completely addicted to pegged jeans, and I refuse to apologize for it. I haven't consulted with anyone, and not too many people I know have even seen me with them, so maybe if I get laughed at by all my loved ones I will stop doing it, but for now, that's it, it's all I want to wear. It shows off the shoes, shows a little skin at the ankle, but also does a nice volume thing around the calf which normal cropped jeans wouldn't give you. I can't gush enough. I'm hooked. And today I didn't just peg them the way I did in '88, I busted out an oversized safety pin to make sure that they wouldn't come undone. I feel like the vaguely disheveled coolness of the style would be automatically voided if I were seen in the actual process of pegging my jeans in public.

Ok, the part of my outfit that I'm not so sure I can defend as well is the following:
I actually felt pretty good about it all day, but I couldn't help remembering a conversation I had with my sister 9 years ago, when I went to go visit her in Rome where she was studying abroad. It went something like this:
She says, "I've been thinking about getting a denim jacket, I think they look pretty cute."
And I say, "Yeah, they're cute, especially the dark ones, I don't know about all those light wash ones we're seeing here... kinda 80s, no?"
"I don't know, I sort of like them. And I was actually thinking it looks pretty good the way they wear them here, with jeans."
"Well, yeah, ok, as long as it's not the same wash, like a dark jacket and lighter jeans, that might be ok. But these people are wearing light wash jackets with MATCHING light wash jeans!!! That's disgusting! It looks retarded, like you're wearing some kind of denim suit. You wouldn't do that, would you? Cause if that's what you're thinking, I think you've been living in Europe too long."
As far as I know she didn't get a denim jacket that year. I thought I had saved her from turning into a eurotrash fashion victim. And now, here I am, a decade later, and my newfound wisdom tells me that I was wrong to judge. It works. I think. Or maybe... maybe I've been living in Madrid too long and have turned into eurotrash. Huh. I will admit that living here so long has affected my fashion sense. But is this hideous? Have I lost perspective completely? I suppose if it is, someone will send me a comment and let me know. But til then, I'm just going to rock it.
Also today I'm loving my glasses, because taking the day off dance means taking the day off contacts. The heat has already dried out the madrid air, and my eyes needed a day off anyway. Here I am trying to work out how to use photobooth to its fullest.

Wearing Marc by Marc Jacobs denim jacket, white tank from Target, green hook & eye tank from H&M, Lucky Brand jeans, Lucky Brand belt, enamel bracelet stolen from my mom, Bulgari glasses, and Ravel shoes I picked up in London 3 years ago.
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