And they have bears!

This is papa bear, who had to be separated from mama bear and the two cubs, because apparently otherwise he would have them for supper. Handsome fellow, don't you think? They were all in this little park just by the river, so close you could just hop over the little fence and hug them. If you were so inclined.
I was very well taken care of in Bern, lots of great outdoor dining and seeing the sights, a jazz concert and an outdoor movie thrown in the mix too. It was really a great week. Also stopped in to see what Swiss H&M had to offer, and they offered me these (in exchange for money of course):
I also visited a super fun place that the folks I was staying with referred to as The Store That Has Everything You Don't Need. Wrong. I totally need a knit bambi covered mini hot water bottle for the winter. And beautiful japanese paper tape (also known as washi, check out this great site). And a magnet of a deer head.
the pants are gorgeous. the hot water bottle cover, I thought it was a sweater for milo. though i'm pretty sure he wouldn't bring himself to wear something that cute, 'cause he's so tough, right?