Who even know G-star made shoes? Let alone stunning ones? Quite the discovery, since back at my other home across the seas there's a G-star store pretty much across the street from my apartment. Danger, danger.
And how about these beauties? You may have seen them before, I've been drooling over Fiorentini&Bakers for about 4 years now. But yesterday I got to try these on, and they are amazing in a kind of so-comfortable-yet-so-bad-ass-and-still-super-hot kind of way that left me love-struck. Lucky for me these will be around for years to come, so we can take it nice and slow in our courtship.

Wacky factoid for you: I tried these on in Madison. Yes, Madison, Wisconsin. Which against all odds and common sense is becoming the center of the fashion world. Ok, no it's not, not at all. But it definitely is becoming a city where you can do some amazing shopping. Between Shoo, Bop, and Atticus, you could easily spend a gabillion dollars on some gorgeous high-end stuff. We avoided spending a gabillion, but I did snap up a perfect Filippa K parka yesterday, and also tried the aforementioned eternity boots and (finally) a T by Alexander Wang Classic Tank with Pocket (and finally saw what all the fuss is about). Didn't even make it to Bop, but that's on the schedule for today. All in little ol' madison!
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