Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I've talked about black sneakers here before, and it seems such a simple thing you'd thing I'd have taken care of that basic need by now.  Alas, I have not.  And while I still have my eye on those classic New Balance 501s, I'm obviously still a little ambivalent.  What can I say, I have a wandering eye.  And it has wandered to these soon-to-be-released Nike Free Inneva Woven kicks.  Very very cool.

all images from slamxhype

Do you do sneakers?  Other than Converse, I mean.  Which ones are your favorites to wear outside the gym?


  1. those are cool, even for an anti-sneaker person like me.

  2. LOL @ myself. why would I wear them besides to gym?! how would I wear them... I am so not the sporty type... so.. just gym. but even though they need to be stylish and cute :) for the right purpose (walking, running, grass, concrete, up the hill, gym or whatever) I wouldn't know to pick them if they hit me in the head!


Say what?